Parley The Pirates

Pirates may be able to provide valuable resources, but they can also bring trouble and risks to the one who befriends them

Companion: Pirate Ship

Genesis Pirates will be automatically allowed to mint a companion 3:2 PFB featuring a Pirate Ship!

Please Note: All Companion & Genesis Series Drop Previews are not final and may not be included in or indicative of the final drop

Random Event: Treasure Hunt

At random times Genesis owners who also own a Pirate Ship will be able to mint treasure maps.

The Treasure Maps can be burnt, to receive a new Dreamscape from the Season 1 Event Series featuring treasure!

Unburnt maps, and treasures, can be traded freely…

and may have other future uses.

For those who seek treasure, the map represents a chance to uncover something valuable and rare, and the opportunity to make a significant discovery.

Whether the treasure map is worth more than the treasure is subjective, it can be a valuable tool, a symbol of hope, a historical artifact, a family heirloom, a ticket to adventure, or a means to an end.

It depends on the individual treasure hunter and what they value more, the journey, the treasure, or the money.